Thursday, January 6, 2011

Starting the Vegexperiment

So, I've been considering for a while becoming a vegetarian. I don't eat meat very often to begin with and I wondered if I would miss it all that much. I'm Catholic, and one of the things during Lent (the 40 days before Easter) is not eating meat on Fridays. I never saw the big deal. I've said prior to trying this that about 85% of the time, I prefer the vegetarian option when given a choice. It will just mean figuring out alternatives for the other 15% now.

January seemed as good a time as any to give it a shot. I'm on day 6 and only failed once. Though, I think my grandmother's ham should be an exception. It's amazing!

To clarify, I'm not going 100% all in. I'm not avoiding chicken broth or beef broth or food with meat prepared in it. I'm just not eating the meat.

Since starting this, I've had a veggie omlette, lots of pasta (I LOOOOVE pasta), grilled cheese sandwiches and eggs for my protein. I even tried Chipotle without meat. I usually got barbacoa, and since I wasn't going to have that, I added beans (which I sometimes get, but not always), cheese and corn salsa.

I'll update occasionally about how I'm doing. I anticipate failing more often, but I'm trying not to.

At the very least, I believe I have always been, and may revert back to if January isn't successful, a "flexitarian." The term means a person who avoids, but occasionally eats, meat. Ok, so maybe I wasn't a flexitarian before because I didn't avoid meat. But, I think it'd be an easy transition should I decide to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I've been in a similar position for years now. I tend to eat vegetarian because it is easier to make one meal for Kasi and I. I don't often miss meat, but do occasionally eat it. I don't go out of my way to avoid meat, but mostly don't miss it. There are lots of delicious vegetarian and even vegan dishes out there that aren't any more complicated or time consuming to make than a meat dish. I hope your experiment goes well, and don't stress if you do eat a bit of meat every few weeks.
